11 de marzo de 2009


As mentiras lingüicidas con premeditación e aleivosía chegan ao Reino Unido. Ollo á nova do Guardian (non un tabloide calquera): "Spanish speakers fight to save their language as regions have their say". Hai que ter moi mala fe. Se eu digo que Feijoo come nenos cada día suficientes veces, o pobo acabará por darme a razón? Ademais esta vez acúsannos de vingativos. Esto ya es el súmmum, coño:

Les mentides llengüicides amb premeditació i traïdoria arriben al Regne Unit. Compte amb la notícia del Guardian (no un tabloide qualsevol): "Spanish speakers fight to save their language as regions have their say". Si jo dic que en Feijoo menja nens cada dia prou vegades, el poble m'acabarà donant la raó? A més aquest cop ens acusen de venjatius. Esto ya es el súmmum, coño:
(...) But now Spanish speakers complain that their language is being marginalised by regional nationalists in revenge for the way their own languages were suppressed in the Franco years. They are appealing to the Spanish constitution, which guarantees the right to speak Spanish along with the three other official languages. (...)

(...) In Galicia, at least half of teaching must be in the regional tongue. Gloria Lago, a founder of Bilingual Galicia, said: 'The children ask to be taught in Spanish and this is not allowed because the law prevents it. When the bell goes, they start speaking their own language. (...)

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